45-49 Year Old Health Check


The 45 - 49 year old health check is a one off check up aimed at assessing your risk of developing chronic disease in the future.

The Health Check is an opportunity to reflect on your lifestyle, medical and family history and to then assess your risk of developing chronic disease.

You are then able with the help of your doctor and other allied health services, look at ways of reducing that risk.

Are you eligible?

You are eligible for this check if you are aged 45-49 years of age and if you have a risk factor that increases your chance of developing chronic disease: Risk factors include:

High Blood Pressure, Lack of Physical Exercise, Overweight, Poor diet, Smoker, Regular alcohol use, High Cholesterol, Impaired Glucose Tolerance

Family History of: Chronic Disease

The Health Check includes:

- Patient information collection, including taking a medical history, and undertaking any relevant investigations ( blood urine tests) and examinations.

- An overall assessment of your health including your readiness to make lifestyle changes

- Referrals to other providers if required

- Advice and information including strategies to achieve lifestyle and behavioural changes


This is a long consultation and so does have a higher fee, however, Medicare pays a much higher rebate on these specific item numbers so your out of pocket expenses is kept to a minimum.

How to make a booking ?

To make a booking, call reception during business hours on 6441 5299.

You may need to have a blood test prior to this assessment and so will need a pathology form that reception staff will organise for you.

This assessment will take up to an hour so please allow time to have this done.

A health check at this stage of life is encouraged so as to assist you to make necessary lifestyle changes to prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease.

45-49 Year Old Health Check Brochure

DMC 45 49 year old health check