Welcome 2021 Newsletter

1. Staff Changes for 2021

Dr Mafada will have completed his 12 month placement with Don Medical Clinic on 22nd January 2021. We have thoroughly enjoyed having him work as part of our team. We wish him all the best for the future and hope that he might consider returning to Don Medical Clinic when he has finished his training in general practice.

We thank Dr Jessica Madden for the past few weeks. Dr Jess is from Wodonga and like Dr Jane is working in schools as a GP on-campus. She has been having a working holiday whilst seeing the sites of our beautiful island.

We welcome Dr Eleanor Go in February. Eleanor has worked for us last year so we are pleased to have her return.

We welcome a new receptionist to our team, Allison Kamphuis, she will be wearing an L plate as she learns the ropes so please help us support her in the new role.

2. Appointment Availability and New Patient Requests

Due to limited appointments throughout February if you require a non urgent appointment please press on the icon below and submit a request.

If you are a new patient and interested in joining the practice community please press on the icon below:

3. Fees for non - attenders

A fee of $ 40 will be charged for patients who fail to attend booked appointments and fail to let reception team know by phone or email. Future appointments will not be booked until the fees is paid.

4. E scripts

Don Medical Clinic is now providing E scripts , as a direct text to your phone or email.

For more information watch the short video below or go to the following website : electronic prescriptions

5. Active Ingredient Prescribing

From Febraury 1st 2021 our scripts will be noted as the active ingredient rather than brand names. For more information go to the NPS consumer information , press the icon below.

6. COVID Vaccination Roll Out

We will keep you up to date regarding the plan the practice has to roll out the mass vaccinations that will be required. It will be a similar model to that used last year for our flu clinic but it will be onsite. At this stage it appears that the Pfizer vaccination is safe and effective for those 16 and over. For more up to date GP specific information please press the icon below.

7. Electronic Shared Health Records

Don Medical Clinic is keen to have patients with chronic health conditions consider signing up to developing an electronic shared health record. Our goal this year is to have as many of our patients with chronic health needs sign up and have their own record created. This will be a challenge amid the COVID pandemic / vaccine roll out and limited doctor availability but we are keen to still move forward with creative ideas and options for our patients to enable our patient community to manage their own health as effectively and efficiently as they can. For more information please press on the icon below.

If you have an queries or concerns please contact our staff preferably via the following link.

We look forward to continuing to offer high quality health care in 2021 to you and your families.

The Don Medical Clinic Team