
Dr Jane will be offering a clinic for women interested in discussing menopause in more detail. This is an area that is not discussed enough for women and can have a huge impact on their well being and capacity to function on daily basis. There is push to create menopause friendly workplaces that we have certainly endeavoured to achieve at Don Medial Clinic.

This will be a 45 minute appointment

  • $240 ( concession card holders $ 180 ) with a Medicare rebate $118

This will be a comprehensive detailed assessment. To make an appointment please submit the following FORM

The following video might be useful and is a womens health presentation that Dr Jane has presented on several occasions.

The following resources are highly recommended for you to educate yourself on what you need.

Health Checks For Women

Jean Hailes website

Australian Menopause Society

The Womens Brain Book

The Secrets of Womens Healthy Ageing

Kaz Cooke - Menopause

Truth About Menopuase with Myf Warhurst

Sex, Myths and the Menopause